sobota, února 22, 2020

My QO-100 station setup

On RX side I have 70cm offset with modified LNB with external GPSD LO for direct conversion to 144MHz, splitter on downlink line to feed SDR USB RX and analog IC-910H in parallel. Listening on IC-910H in SAT mode transmitting on 432MHz into my external transvertor system, based on LZ5HP HW and with output power 50W.  Using septum feed as transmitting antenna for uplink (gain cca 8dB). There are also used DC voltages going from internal directional coupler connected to simple box with indicator to see Fwd/Rev power levels on the output from transverter system and check possible changes in SWR. For SSB mode I am using MFJ Voice Keyer (to run CQ in loop) and for CW ETM-8 memory keyer. In RX path I am using simple 4 port AF mixer to select output to DSP filter from ICOM 2m RX channel, ICOM CW monitor from 70cm TX, output from HF RIG (TS-850) and line output from SDR Console 3.0.21. Output from DSP unit is going to wireless headphones and also external speaker can be simply switched on. 

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